3 Signs You’re Not Happy with Your Life

you're not happy

Too many people simply exist rather than living, and that’s really sad – what a waste of a life. Living a life that doesn’t fulfill your soul or your life aspirations is spiritual suicide. Here are 3 signs you’re not happy with your life.

3 Signs You’re Not Happy with Your Life

you're not happy

#1 You still haven’t quit the job you hate.

Why are you forcing yourself to do something you hate? Yes, we all need to pay the bills, but why not do something that makes you happy? Dragging yourself out of bed every day for a job you hate and complain about constantly is highly toxic to you and your employer. Your unhappiness is likely manifesting as hugely negative behaviors in your workplace, so the writing is likely already written on the wall for you. Allocate an hour of your time every day to apply for jobs you know you’d love – this action alone will bring a little peace and hope back into your life. Find something you were born to do and quit while you still have a choice.

#2 You’re all talk.

You talk about the things you want to change about yourself, and you spent hours talking about your new year aspirations, but you haven’t put any of these changes into play. You’re stuck in a toxic rut. You are making yourself unhappy.

#3 Your dreams are, well, dreams…

You’ve told everyone that will listen about your great business idea. You’ve been talking about it for years. So, why haven’t you made any moves towards fulfilling your dream? If you’re ‘too busy’ partying or trying to move up the ranks in your social circles, you’re not serious about achieving your goals. You’re waiting for someone to change your life for you. It’s no one else’s job to save you.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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