Relationships: How to Pull Them Back When They’re Pushing You Away


Relationships are not the fall in love and live happily-ever-after scenario we’re fed in movies and books. Relationships can be hard work, so it’s important to only invest the time and energy in relationships with those who are worthy of you.

Life is full of obstacles and challenges, so sometimes, your loved one may pull away from you to focus their attention on work or family commitments. There are a million reasons why your loved one may pull away from you. A typical reaction to the sudden decline in their attention to you may result in you questioning their feelings for you. You may find yourself chasing them harder to try and fill the void their sudden lack of interest is causing. The truth is, their distance may or may not be due to their feelings for you. They could be pulling away because they’re confused about their feelings, they need space due to feeling pressured or overwhelmed, or they simply need to focus their attention elsewhere. Whatever the reason, one of the biggest mistakes you can make in a relationship is to push harder when the object of your affection is pulling away.

Relationships: How to Pull Them Back When They’re Pushing You Away


#1. Give Space

If they are already stressed or confused, pushing harder will stress them out and come across as ‘needy’ which usually results in them pulling away further. Give him or her space. Let them miss you. Let them come to you. You have no control over their feelings or emotions, but you can control your focus – use it on activities that make you happy. Giving them the space to work things out on their own often results in their bouncing back to win your attention again.

#2. Don’t React

If they snap at you or send a moody response, don’t react. Let them recognize their bad behavior, and take accountability for it. If they only gain your attention when they are kind and in control of their emotions, they will be motivated to keep their behavior towards you in check.

#3. Live Your Life

Making someone feel like you expect them to fill a void in your life or to make you happy equals pressure. Most people do not like pressure in any form. Focus on your goals and what makes you happy. A happy, confident and content person is irresistible. If they truly want you, they will bounce back when they’re ready to be part of your life.



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