Springtime: 4 Ways to Deal with Seasonal Allergies

Springtime: 4 Ways to Deal with Seasonal Allergies, seasonal allergies, allergy, allergies

Allergy sufferers, I really feel for you. Know is the time of the year where seasonal allergies are kicking up into high gear. Almost no one is safe. JR suffers from seasonal allergies, and it feels like we try everything to make him feel better during this time of year. The good news is that some tricks and medicines work. I know! Most of the time, JR just rides out this time of year, sneezing his way to April, but we found what works for him.  I think the trick really is about finding what’s best for you, so read on to see my four ways to deal with seasonal allergies.

Springtime: 4 Ways to Deal with Seasonal Allergies

Springtime: 4 Ways to Deal with Seasonal Allergies, seasonal allergies, allergy, allergies

Head to the Pharmacy- When JR starts to get sneezy, our first solution is to head to the pharmacy and pick up meds. They work instantly. The only problem is that some of them make us feel foggy and sleepy during the day. If this the case for you, not the worry. There are other ways to treat allergies that don’t include allergy medicine.

Saline Solution- A nasal spray solution is my tops choice for getting rid of seasonal allergies because it flushes out the pollen that could be stuck in your system. It works wonders and is super natural. If you think this is the solution for you, then head over to your pharmacy and find a neti pot for spray.

Take Your Workout Indoors- When pollen counts are high, I make sure JR stays indoors for his morning workout. Watch a DVD or do some reps at home. There’s always a solution during allergy season.

Put Your Clothes Away- When you get home from work, make sure you kick off your shoes before you get into the house. Pollen and mold can travel on them, so you don’t want those outside allergins getting indoors as well. Put your clothes away in the hamper instantly and get dressed in something else that hasn’t been worn before!




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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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