Hormonal acne has hit epidemic proportions amongst women aged between thirty to fifty years old. Did you know that diet can be a hormonal acne trigger, making men susceptible to hormonal breakouts too?
Hormonal Acne: How to Help Minimize Monthly Breakouts
At the beginning of every menstrual cycle, women’s estrogen levels begin to increase. The overload of estrogen attaches to the cell receptors which usually react to testosterone, switching off oil composition to help keep pores clear of excess oil and debris. As estrogen levels dwindle post ovulation, there’s less estrogen to bind to the cell receptors in oil glands, so they are triggered by testosterone instead. The result? Excess oil is produced until estrogen levels begin to climb again.
The excess oil sticks to dirt and acne-causing bacterium resulting in blocked pores and moderate to severe acne breakouts.
Hormonal acne symptoms:
- You suffer from intensified breakouts just before, during or post menstruation.
- Your breakouts typically occur around the chin and jawline every month.
- Your monthly breakouts seem to be angrier and more painful.
How to help minimize hormonal breakouts:
- 12-14 days before each monthly cycle is due to start, upgrade your daily skincare routine. Exfoliate 3-4 times per week to help prevent a build-up of dead skin cells and dirt.
- Avoid high-glycemic foods which trigger insulin spikes such as rice, white potatoes, sugar, sweets and breakfast cereals.
- Double cleanse every evening to keep pores squeaky clean and allow for better excretion of oil and sweat.
- When you feel a hormonal breakout appearing, apply ice to the affected area for 10-15 minutes to help reduce inflammation.