Small Ways to Beat Procrastination

Small Ways to Beat Procrastination, procrastination, loren ridinger, loren, beat procrastination

When it comes to procrastination, just call me an expert. Sure, I work as hard as I can when it comes to this business, but there was a time when I would procrastinate like crazy. I’d use every excuse in the book. Oh, I’ll finish once the show is over, or I’ll get it done tomorrow morning. JR helped me change my ways! He showed me it’s all about the small things to help beat procrastination! Below are some of my tips to help you out. Scroll on to learn more.

Small Ways to Beat Procrastination

Small Ways to Beat Procrastination, procrastination, loren ridinger, loren, beat procrastination

Do It Daily- What’s that one thing you’ve been putting off? Is it exercise? Is it starting that Unfranchise business? Listen, I get it. It’s not easy, but choosing to do it every day will make it seem less and less difficult. You have to push yourself a little bit.

Stop Planning- Stop planning and start DOING instead. I’m definitely guilty of this. I plan and plan and plan until JR looks at me and tells me to get it done. If you don’t have a JR in your life, then listen to me and do it!

Envision- Envisioning what you want is a great way to beat procrastination. Whenever I find myself procrastinating, I envision what I want at the end of the task or what might come from getting things done. It sets me in motion.

Have a Reward System- Have a rewards system in place so when you get things done, you get rewarded for it. When I finish with one task, I give myself a break and rest for 10 minutes before moving on to the next thing. It keeps me on task when I don’t want to do something because I know a break is coming!



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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