Fat Joe and I have emphasized in many of our speeches that your haters are usually the people closest to you. They’re the ‘friends’ that say you look great in a dress when you know the other one was more flattering. They are the ones that try and hold you back or inflict doubts about yourself with snide comments. Haters are often the people that say they love you when they don’t for their own ulterior motives.
4 Reasons Why People Say They Love You When They Don’t
1. They think it will make you feel better and want to make you happy.
2. Giving you a sense of false security allows he or she to manipulate you.
3. Saying it as an automated response
4. They don’t actually love you, they like you. Maybe your love for them makes them feel good, or they feel attached to you in some way.
Sometimes you’ll just have a vibe that their words aren’t authentic. Something feels off. Trust your gut to ensure you cut them out of your life before they become toxic to your health and happiness.