We’re living in very interesting times right now. Sometimes, it feels like the world is constantly at odds. Because we live in a time where news is always at our fingertips, often, it’s the bad news that gets filtered in. It’s human nature to remember negative experiences or stories over positive ones. That’s why at Market America, we feel incredibly proud to bring people from all over the world to one place. For a week, Greensboro, NC, becomes home to the world. We filter out the bad and try to give positivity a chance! Read on for more.
MAIC 2019: Bringing the World Together
People from Taiwan, Australia, Malasia, and more make their way to our beautiful city to succeed, work on building their business and make their dreams happen. It’s truly inspiring that you all come out to celebrate this business alongside with us. We’re trying to change the system and Market America worldwide is making that happen. It’s something different and unique that no other company is doing right now. Below are photos so you can see just how many different people came out to MAIC 2019!