You Have All the Answers


How much time in your week are you spending worrying about the effects a certain decision you make will have on your life?  As women, we are constantly looking out for the people we love, often times before we think of ourselves.  Not only that, but worrying about what other people (our parents, family, significant other) will think about the choices we make can also have an impact on us.  That pressure can be extremely draining and make us lose focus on what’s important.


We’ve all had times in our lives we’ve looked back and wish we went a different way.  But the (not so) funny part is, if we really think about it, we probably had thoughts in our head or a feeling in our gut that told us which direction to go that we ignored out of fear.

Enough looking back, what can you do for yourself in the future?

 4 Simple Steps for When You’re Facing a Tough Decision

  1. –       Take three deep breaths.
  2. –       Ask a question to yourself you need answered (For example – “Is this job offer really what I want?”).
  3. –       Listen to how your body responds.
  4. –       Trust what you hear.

Often times, you will hear a response in your mind.  This is the right decision for you.  Other times, your body will feel tense in your gut or your chest.  This is to tell you that you are having a negative response to the question you just posed, and you may need to go a different way.

The hardest part here is trusting yourself.  You may not like what you hear because another option is easier.  Easier will keep you in the same place you are in now.  You will never be put in a situation you can’t overcome – and think about how good you’ll feel when you do!

Guest Blogger: Rachael Lowe follow her on Twitter @getlowe11



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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