Tips for Using Social Blogging to Grow Your Business

This is a great article I came across on on social blogging. It talks about how big corporations and small businesses are using social media to boost brand awareness, build loyalty and retains customers. Even when more companies are exploring ways to get a bigger pay off with social media. The next frontier of social networking and weblogging is social blogging. In general, you want to use social media to increase your visibility, improve your search engine results, and drive more traffic to your company’s website, which stand a good chance of increasing sales and growing the business. Social blogging is simply another tool to add to your overall social media strategic toolkit.

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Social Media Revolution 2011

Social Media, be it weblogging, microblogging )i.e., Twitter), or posting status updates, is a different kind of marketing. It’s not about creating a sales pitch for your product or service. Instead, it’s about generating interest and keeping your audience current on news, events, and the latest product developments. A social blog is essentially a form or combination of microblogs (short posts) and status updates. Users post content such as short sentences, images or video links large groups of friends, followers, or co-workers. As with traditional weblogging, users can write messages on topics that range from “what am I doing right now” to thematic ones such as “best places to eat sushi.” These messages can be transmitted via posting, text messaging, or e-mailing.

1. Position yourself as an expert. When people are looking for a product or service, oftentimes they will first look for information about the subject on the Internet. In general, blogging is about having conversations in a public space that position you as a subject matter expert.

2. Share experiences and information. Social blogging is often used to share experiences in addition to business ideas and concepts. Always seek unique opportunities to share your ideas and offerings with not only your readers, but their associates as well, which will eventually bring in more prospects. Announce upcoming events, awards and other news.

3. Keep it fresh and mix it up. Frequent one not updates can be a major turn off for say Facebook fans, while Twitter followers are more accustomed to frequent posts. Try to mix it up. Spark up conversation with the help of images and videos.
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MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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