Easy Ways To Organize Your Life

Are you overwhelmed by your hectic schedule, wedding invites, paperwork, dirty laundry and wonder if you’ll ever have the time to organize it? Between e-mails, proposals and conferences is
hard to keep your schedule organized and even more so your personal life in check. I’ve been obsessed with organization since the day I was born. I can’t stand clutter, a messy desk or a messy life. Most people wonder how do I manage to squeeze in so much in one day? The answer is simple keep a daily list and an organized life.

Imagine working in a organized, clean environment where you know where everything is, everything is filed and clear of clutter. I’ve found that I save more time knowing where everything is, and keeping my home free from disorder helps me concentrate better and be more productive. For all you super busy hard working people, I put a few tips on easy ways to organize your life.

1. Create a routine. Knowing what you have to do every morning will help you save a lot of time. Create a routine at work maybe the first thing you do in the morning is answer your e-mails, write down your to do list, listen to any voice mails. Brainwash yourself to do these things every day there for you will have a better idea of how time you have available for the rest of day.

2. Separate, file and eliminate. Always make 3 piles: priority, personal, less important. This approach will help you eliminate unimportant things in your daily which will give you more time to focus on what is critical. It is important to file everything and keep organized. Don’t you hate it when you have something really important and you can’t find it? That’s why is so important to date and create a system in where you can find things. Some might say I’m the “filing queen.” Eliminate clutter. One thing I can’t stand is a purse full of receipts and unwanted papers. Every night during my down time I make sure to clean out my purse and remove all of unnecessary paper work.

3. Use every minute wisely you will be surprise how much you can do in 5 minutes. When you’re in the bathroom getting ready take an extra 5 minutes to organize and put everything into place. No one wants to see a messy bathroom. Let’s say while you’re doing your make up take 2 extra minutes to put everything back into its original place. While watching TV or waiting for someone in the car take this downtime to eliminate all of the unwanted e-mails you received for the day.

4. Do you often have a messy closet? Make sure you always put everything back in it’s original place. Take 5 minutes to clean up your closet, rearrange your clothes, shoes, accessories and make sure you eliminate any unwanted clothes.

5. Stop procrastinating it will get you no where! Always tackle the things that are most important first, pushing things off will leave you with more stress and more things on your plate.

6. Do things in advance. Forward thinking is key both in your personal and business life.

7. Pick out your clothes the day before. Stop running late for everything, if you know you have an event to attend, pick out your outfit 1-2 days in advance always make sure you do things ahead of time.

8. Only play when all of your things are completed on your to do list. Ever hear of the quote, “Don’t do for tomorrow what you can do today.” Why wait till do something tomorrow when you can do it right away. Once you have all your important things complete than you can time to do the things you love.

9. Don’t let others waste your time. It’s great to catch up with friends over a few drinks or listen to someone who has a great opportunity for you. All of it is fun, but do it on your own time. If you are too busy for a friend, it’s ok your priorities are first. If you received a proposal you know that doesn’t fit your company, turn down immediately don’t let others bug you on something that is not for you.

10. Budget. Pay your bills on time. Before you go an splurge on another pair of YSL pumps make sure all of your bills are paid and if you have a little extra use that money to do the things you enjoy.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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