How To Clear The Mind From Mental Clutter

Sometimes we try to fill our brains with so much information that we run into mental blocking paths that prevents us from thinking clearly. If you are a workaholic like me you then you will know how important it is to have a clear mind that will allow you to deliberate more effectively. Here are few steps that can help steer you away from all the noise in your head.

  • Complete, delegate or ditch. Unfinished business can fee like a 800 pound gorilla on your back. Instead of moping around with these unfinished tasks find a way to get them off your back. Block out half a day this week to complete, delegate or ditch the task. If it’s a task you must personally do, do it. But if your assistant, your teenager or a virtual assistant you hire for four hours can do it, delegate it. If the task has been on your to-do list for more than a month, consider whether it’s really that important. If the task really isn’t important, mark it off your to-do list and be done with it!
  • Eliminate the negatives. Nothing works on your confidence more than constant thoughts of can’t or I won’t. Instead use the words I will try or let me see if it works. Working with negativity means functioning with clutter. You must be able to think positive in order to work effectively. The word won’t or can’t implies that you are choosing not to take control of a situation. With the power-zapping word can’t out of the way, you can choose to handle things differently.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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