10 Ways to Save Time at Work

Loren Ridinger’s 10 ways to save time at work.  Have you ever had a work day that made you think, “where did the time go?”  We have all experienced those days.  We may have started out with the intent for productivity, but distractions cause us to be knocked off of our game.  This is a reality for so many of us.  Distractions are real, those that are created by others and those we create for ourselves.  We all want to be more productive at accomplishing our daily work tasks.  We also know that time waits for no one.  Here are my 10 ways to save time at work:

  • Create a daily “to do” list.
  • Arrive to work early to help you get settled and not feel rushed.
  • Designate a time to catch up emails and follow up calls.
  • Listen to your favorite music to help you get into the “zone.”
  • Organize your work load according to priority.
  • Take a lunch.
  • Take a walk or exercise during your lunch for a mood changer.
  • Take a few minutes to communicate with co-workers.
  • Stay focused on the tasks at hand.
  • Don’t procrastinate on your “to do” list.




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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