5 Tough Question Every Entrepreneur Should Ask About Growth

This is a great article I found on Bloomberg.com on questions every entrepreneur should ask about their growth. I think it’s important to ask these questions as start-up business owner that can help keep you on track and adjust any present challenges. I recommend you read this article as it will help you grow and understand your business.

To keep an enterprise on track while facing the often-pleasant challenge of growth requires making sometimes-painful adjustments in these five areas:

The People. One of the hardest questions is when to change the people — not just individually, but the whole mix. Founders often start with friends and true believers who work hard because of zeal for the cause or hope for future returns. They occupy multiple overlapping roles. But do the people with single-digit badge numbers or members of the founding generation have the skills the organization needs as it creates routines and requires depth in every specialty? Who can make the cut? A winery I knew from its beginning kept the original group longer than the business could afford, and loyalty got in the way of bringing in experienced people “above” the people who felt they were founders and thus privileged to call the shots. Raise a glass to courageous leaders willing to tell people they must either grow or go.

Finances.Whether the original source of funds is venture capital or venture philanthropy, an investor base or a donor base, each growth phase challenges organizations to shift assumptions and thus change practices. Perhaps investors expect customers to take over as funders of growth by paying more (or paying at all), a challenge dot-com companies faced in the first Internet wave and social media companies face now. Non-profits also outgrow friends-and-family angels or local sources and must find sustainable revenue and capital sources. How do you move from being discretionary nice-to-have in a portfolio to essential-to-fund? Where are the new sources appropriate to a new, larger size? A multi-site non-profit went from local businesses close to the founding city to national funders in government and foundations to a revenue model replicable in every site through ongoing school budgets on a fee-for-service basis.

Partners and Allies. The best organizations are attuned to the need for key external relationships that provide resources and support. At the same time, entrepreneurs do not want to be captive to the needs and desires of their first distribution partners, component suppliers, source of talent, or marketing allies. It is tricky to know how to nurture and draw benefits from key partners without being subsumed by them — or subject to damage if they stumble — and, at the same time, add to a partner set without creating conflicts. Which partners should be downplayed or replaced as the organization grows? How can key relationships be managed to lessen dependence while seeking new, more relevant, allies? And with growth comes the need for entirely new types of relationships — which is why Facebook now has an enlarged Washington office.

Organizational Culture. Are you making explicit what the organization stands for in tangible ways that can be transmitted and endure? Are you on guard against drifting away from the culture? Numerous studies, including my own, show that an emphasis on organizational culture is associated with continuing excellence. Values, stories, artifacts, and rituals provide a source of identity that makes the organization feel the same, in pursuit of the same mission even while everything else changes. Culture provides internal glue. As an organization grows, what was once informal must be documented, codified, memorialized, and passed on to new people. Savvy entrepreneurs ensure that their organizations are built to last by stressing culture. At every stage, they invest in preserving fundamental values and principles while adding new iconic stories that reflect them.

To read the entire article visit: www.bloomberg.com



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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