Sometimes we can all use a friendly reminder to keep us from backsliding into old ways of thinking about selling that lead us down the wrong path with potential clients. There are many times where the “sales person” struggles with a mental block about how to detach from the traditional sales thinking he/she had learned from old-school sales “gurus”.
You remember those books and tapes, this is before the “social media” and “relationship” era. They all teach you how to overcome cold calling fears and old sales techniques. But, all of these outdated sales messages fail to address the core issue of how with think when it comes to selling especially when social media has taken over traditional PR and branding. But, how do you use social media and wave of selling without sounding like an operator? Do you think it’s time to take a different approach? Maybe it’s time to analyze our sales thinking so we can identify why we’re not making more sales.
So what do you do to change your sales pitch? Follow the rules below and you will find your new relationships more effective:
1. Make sure your message is relevant: If you’ve carefully defined your target audience, you know what interests them. Stick with it.
2. The information you send to them must be useful: Most likely, your prospects have a problem they’re trying to solve – or at least to learn more about. They’re turning to you for help. With each communication you can provide useful information. As your prospects learn about solving their problems, they’re also learning more about you. They will see value in your relationship.
3. No blatant selling. Your prospects aren’t stupid. They know you have something to sell. But they’re not ready to listen to a sales pitch.
4. Be consistent: It’s generally best to establish some kind of pattern and stick to it. If you’re going to send a weekly tip sheet, find. Do it weekly. If it’s a monthly newsletter, that’s fine too. Daily? If that’s what your prospects want, no problem. Your prospects will expect to hear from you on a regular basis.
5. Include a call to action: Just because you can’t turn this into a full-on sales pitch doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask the reader to do something. You can tell them to call you; email you; What is the next reasonable step in the buying process? Lay it out for them, people are very visual draw them a picture, show them testimonials have them try the product.
Because we have entered the social media era sometimes a phone call won’t be enough, try sending them a facebook message or a tweet.