7 Ways to Stay on Track at Work During the Holidays


Is anyone else out there so excited about the holidays that you’re having a tough time staying focused on work? Between the music, parties and festive décor all around, staying on track at work can get pretty tough – but, it’s a must! If you’re feeling a little distracted by all the festivities, you aren’t alone. Take a look at these tips for staying focused this holiday season.


7 Ways to Stay on Track at Work During the Holidays

  • Prioritize and develop the ultimate to-do list.
  • Plan ahead. Know in advance which projects are necessary and how much time you’ll need to complete.
  • Leave work at the office so that you can join in the festivities when you’re at home.
  • Work on one project at a time to methodically get through your list.
  • Know when you have to draw the line – don’t over commit or overschedule yourself.
  • Work smarter – delegate tasks where/when you can.
  • Give yourself time to have a little fun!

How are you staying focused this holiday season?





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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