A New Addition to the Marketing Team: Community Manager

With social media channels drastically changing the way we market our businesses, the anatomy of the marketing team is taking a new form, as well. Today, almost every company has a designated one (or more) person to handle all social media outlets. But it’s not simply about updating a Facebook status.

Introducing the Community Manager, a new member of the marketing team who is responsible for directly interacting with the customer, while simultaneously making the brand feel human. Think of the community manager as your social networking spokes person. They’re the ones checking the comments on your blog and responding; they’re also giving “likes” to other Facebook users when appropriate; or posting photos of what your office looks like today. They make the brand feel accessible.

If you’re wondering if your company needs one of these people or what to look for in a Community Manager, read over this informative article by Hilton Barbour. As the executive director for award-winning marketing agency Organic’s Toronto office, you’ll want to pay close attention.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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