Business Getting Stale? 3 E’s To Finding A Fresh Angle


Getting too comfortable with your plan of attack is the downfall of one too many entrepreneurs. Don’t let it happen to you. As in any relationship, if you let things get stale, your customer is more likely to move on the next and that’s the last thing you want. A great product or service is the foundation of every business but it can’t sell itself – discovering other ways to connect and share with your customer base is what keeps things going long term.

My husband always says that “irritation leads to success” because it forces you to create a change! If you need to get your business out of a rut, read my 3 E’s for re-energizing and gaining a fresh perspective below.

Business Getting Stale? 3 E’s To Finding A Fresh Angle

  • Experiment. You don’t have to jump on every bandwagon for a positive outcome – tailor them to fit the needs of your business and you’re more likely to see results. Review the latest trends and create a plan to test a select few.
  • Execute. Follow through with your plan from the Experiment stage. Be sure to track progress and customer satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to ask for an opinion or review directly as this is invaluable information moving forward.
  • Evaluate. Set a time and stick to it: 1x month, 1x quarter, 2x per year. Depending on the pace of your industry, these check-in’s are crucial to properly analyzing your projects, gauging success and making that final decision on what’s working for you, what isn’t and what needs to change.




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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