Creating Content: 6 Social Media Stats to Remember


Social Media Today is one of my go-to sites; I check it every single day and follow them on Twitter for all their latest updates and resources. They have such a wealth of info on everything online-based, from marketing tips to social networks to customer service. Earlier today I read this incredibly informative article “Content Marketing Minds: Empowering the Ultimate Content Creation Team” and wanted to share a few key facts I learned. They are a must for any entrepreneur or team creating content in the social sphere!

 Creating Content: 6 Social Media Stats to Remember

  1. 77% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after hearing about it from friends/family
  2. Brand advocate content has 10x more engagement
  3. Customer-created content gets 7x more engagement than the brand-owned channel
  4. 90% of social media engagement is driven by 3% of your audience
  5. Brand advocates write and share 2x+ about the brand than other online communications
  6. Brand advocates are 3x more likely to blog and are a more trusted and genuine source of info

We’ve put these stats into practice with Motives over the last six months and I think it’s a hugely successful example of how working with fans, customers and advocates to create content can help your brand reach new heights.

How is your business incorporating customer-created content?




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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