Engagement Marketing & What You Need to Know


If you’re new to the game of engagement marketing, it’s ok. Getting started isn’t too tough, you just need to get a better understanding of what it is and how to incorporate it into your main marketing plan. Engagement marketing means getting your consumers to engage with you and other consumers of your brand – it’s building a relationship between your brand and its consumers. By starting a cycle of engagement marketing, eventually it will run itself. So how do you get started with engagement marketing and what exactly do you need to know to get it off the ground?

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Engagement Marketing & What You Need to Know

  • Start small. To support an engagement marketing plan, you have to engage (crazy, right?). Stop talking at your fans and start having a conversation with them on a daily basis. Rather than opening accounts with every social media platform out there, just pick one or two.
  • Let your customers know you want to engage and how they can engage with you. If you started a Facebook page, put up a sign in your storefront or send an email to your contact list letting them know how to find your brand online.
  • Get to it! The key to engaging is to jump in feet first. Give your social media platform a personality and share content that you know your customers will enjoy. Give them a little sneak peek into the behind-the-scenes of your brand – and be sure that if they ask questions, you respond.

Market Your Event Online in 5 Easy Steps

When it comes to engagement marketing and what you need to know, it’s pretty simple: get out there and talk to your customers. Make them a part of your brand’s story and help them help you spread the word. What do you think – will you incorporate engagement marketing into your brand strategy?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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