10 Entrepreneur Tips We Can All Learn from Jennifer Lopez

jennifer lopez

There is enough success for all of us. Remember that. You don’t need to break someone else’s back to get to where you want to be, and you don’t need to put others down to feel worthy. We all have something incredible to offer the world, as long as we go out and get after it. Keep reading for the top 10 go-getter tips you can learn from my ride or die, the queen herself, Jennifer Lopez. I can’t believe my incredible girl just finished a three-year residency in Vegas! The aptly named All I Have show reminds us that Jen is the very definition of someone that never stops giving her all in everything that she does. Such an inspiration!

10 Entrepreneur Tips We Can All Learn from Jennifer Lopez

jennifer lopez

“You have to remember the value of your individuality – that you have something special and different to offer that nobody else can.”
– Jennifer Lopez

#1 Set Goals

Think about what you really want out of life. Write it down, then practice manifesting it into reality.

#2 Work Hard

Manifesting coupled with hard work will never, ever let you down. Work as hard as you can, then push yourself even harder. Your dreams are worth it.

#3. Remove Negativity

Negative people and negative thoughts have no space in your dream life.

#4. Ignore “No”

People will tell you “no” way more times than they will tell you “yes.” Stay patient, appreciate the “no’s,” and keep working to get that “yes.”

#5. Find Motivation

What is your why? Let this be your north star for success.

#6. Count Victories

Celebrate personal victories on your way to more success. This is about stopping to smell the roses and appreciate how far you’ve come.



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#7. Show Up

No one else is going to show up and work to make your dream come true unless you do. Never forget that YOU set the rules for how to play the game.

#8. Embrace Mistakes

We all make mistakes. Learn from them, grow from them, then let them go (along with any lingering negativity).

#9. Find Confidence

You are unique, beautiful, and offer an abundance of creativity and entrepreneurial magic to the world. Align yourself with the incredible women who paved the way before you, and learn from their strengths to find your confidence

#10. Be Grateful

Every day is a blessing. Say “thank you.”

How has Jennifer Lopez inspired you to be a go-getter? Tweet me @lorenridinger.



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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