6 Basics of Running a Business from Home

Loren's World BlackBerry Priv

Have you ever thought about or even remotely considered starting your own business and running it from home? The thought of being your own boss and running the show is a pretty incredible one, isn’t it? No matter what type of business you’re starting, running it from your own home takes a few simple guidelines and a bit of discipline to keep it going strong and to keep work and home life separate. From shutting down the computers in time for dinner every night to finding a spot in your home to keep work separate, there are a few basics of running a business from home that will keep it all going in the right direction.

Loren's World BlackBerry Priv

6 Basics of Running a Business from Home

  1. Establish a working environment that’s separate from your family life. No matter if it’s a corner in the basement, an extra bedroom or even the dining room – keeping it separate is the name of the game. Sometimes that means getting out of the house for a few hours a day, working from a coffee shop, the library or even a friend’s house – it will help keep your work time focused and your home time spent with your family.
  2. Remember to keep it pro, by getting dressed like you’re headed to the office each day. Rather than working in your pj’s all day long, get up, shower and get dressed just like you’re working from an office rather than from your home. It will keep you productive and feeling like you’re part of the general workforce – motivating indeed.
  3. But, don’t be shy about running your business from home. There’s nothing to be ashamed or shy about – you’re watching overhead after all. And, in many cases – your clients will appreciate that. Not to mention taking pride in just how hard you’re working to get your business off the ground – don’t forget to be excited about that part too!
  4. Remember to stay organized. No matter where your work area is – setting aside a spot to keep your files and important documents organized is absolutely essential. Treating your home business just as you would treat a business based in an office will keep you on task, on target and moving forward in a successful direction.
  5. If you get lonely, get out into the world. And, that means work from outside your home when you need a little outside noise and interaction. Sometimes you need to get out of the house to escape distraction and sometimes you need to get out of the house for distraction – and a little human interaction. And, it’s important to recognize when you need that.
  6. Set specific hours. It’s easy to get caught in the trap of working around the clock when you’re running a business from your home, setting work hours is absolutely essential to having some structure around your day. When you know when you’re on the clock and when you’re not, you can more easily separate work and home life – a routine that will keep you feeling a sense of structure.

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Would you ever consider running a business from your home?  Would you stick to the guidelines above?



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