7 Killer Tips to Win at Life

win at life

If you have intentions to live your best life, life can be summed up as a race to accomplish amazing things and leave behind a legacy. We’ll hit a million hurdles, obstacles and challenges, but what’s important is that we get back up stronger and wiser every time.

7 Killer Tips to Win at Life

win at life

#1. Know Where You’re Going

You can’t win a race if you don’t know where the finish line is, so you can’t win at life without knowing where you’re going. Set goals, smash them and never stop setting and accomplishing more. We never know how near our own finish line is.

#2. Take Responsibility for Your Actions

A person who blames everyone but themselves for their mistakes is not a desirable one. We all make mistakes. Own it, find a solution, learn from it and move on wiser.

#3. Face Your Fears

Remember my story about how I eventually discovered the dog I was terrified of throughout my childhood had no teeth? Face your fears. Don’t let them control you or hold you back.

#4 Be Hungry

Be hungry to learn. Knowledge is power. The more education and enlightenment you acquire, the more you will win at life.

#5. Stay Focused

Always remember to focus on your ‘why‘ – stop wasting your precious time on stupid people. Commit to your goals.

#6. Push Harder Than Everyone Else

There will always be slackers who get by in their mundane lives by doing the bare minimum – don’t let their lack of drive rub off on you. If you work harder and smarter than everyone around you, who do you think will always be first in line for every opportunity and promotion?

#7. Invest in Happiness

Your happiness is everything – an unhappy life is a wasted one. Do whatever it takes to be happy. Work towards your goals, start your own business, travel the world, tick off items on your bucket list this weekend – whatever it is that will make you happy, follow it with all your heart.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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