8 Habits of the World’s Most Powerful Leaders


Leaders know how to make informed decisions under tremendous pressure, guided to do so by their life experiences. The most powerful leaders are instinctual decision-makers, capable of generating critical judgments within lightning time due to the fact they can rely on their ‘gut.’

8 Habits of the World’s Most Powerful Leaders


#1 Create an innovative workplace.

Successful directors encourage innovation, creating a ‘Think Tank’ ambiance bursting with fresh, exciting new ideas.

#2 Communicate expectations.

The most effective leaders are seasoned communicators. By communicating expectations of your team members, there is less room for misunderstandings and disappointments.

#3 Know who to swerve.

Leaders know to quickly extinguish toxic energies from the workplace – anything that threatens to disrupt momentum needs to make a hasty exit.

#4 Make decisions.

Identify issues, explore solutions and make decisions – this is the general everyday formula for the majority of successful leaders.

#5 Reward your superstars.

Great influencers will always give credit where credit is due – they will always reward consistent high performers because they understand how valuable they are to the organization.

#6 Give feedback.

Always give feedback so that your team knows where they stand with you. Your team cannot grow personally or professionally if they are not aware of their short-comings.

#7 Always bring positive energy.

There is nothing more demotivating or disruptive than people who bring bad energy to work with them. Energy is contagious, so make sure you’re spreading positive, inspiring spirit every day.

#8 Submerge yourself in similar circles.

Successful leaders surround themselves with successful leaders. Why? Because investing in relationships with lifters and other prominent leaders broadens their influential network.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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