Monday Motivation: How I Stay Motivated Past Stress

Loren Ayden Backstage MAWC 2017

While doing an interview recently, someone asked me how I stay motivated past stress. So I thought I’d share these simple principals that always work for me. We all get stressed and frustrated with certain things in life, especially when it comes to work. No matter what you do for a living, if you’re out there making your way in the corporate arena or trying to build your own empire from the ground up, stumbling blocks happen. Things get in the way that leave you feeling like you’re constantly climbing an uphill battle and like the grand finally of success will never arrive.

So how do you move past the stress and frustration and keep on pushing? How do you continue to find the motivation when you feel like the cards are stacked against you? Well, it’s not easy – that’s for sure. You’re going to be tired and you’ll feel like you’re facing a mountain some days, but there are ways to restart, refresh and kick yourself right back into gear. Here’s a look at my solutions for staying motivated even when stress and frustration seem to be bringing me down.

Loren Ayden Backstage MAWC 2017

Monday Motivation: How I Stay Motivated Past Stress

Step away. This sounds so basic, but wow – does it work. Have you ever found yourself so frustrated with something you honestly feel like you might just scream? It happens. Frustration gets the best of us and then it builds and builds until suddenly, you cannot take it anymore. For me, things like problems with my computer or any other technology can put me right into that place. When you can’t get something to look just the way you’d like it to or a program isn’t running or downloading in a timely manner. Whatever it is, when you reach that breaking point, just walk away. Get up from your desk and simply go in another room. Get a cup of coffee, go for a quick walk, throw some laundry in – whatever you have to do – walk away for fifteen minutes or so. Come back when you’re calm, cool and collected. It works every time.

Do something that brings you joy. When you’ve had it up to your eyes in work and you’re frustrated just trying to get through a project or find a solution to a problem, sometimes you simply need a bit of a brain break. Your head, heart and soul have been working so hard – they all need a bit of time to simply be. And, that’s totally OK. In fact, it’s more than OK – it will help reset everything and restore that balance you’ve been searching for. So even if you have a deadline, even if you have things that have to be finished, take some time to do something that brings you joy. Perhaps that means cooking a meal, relaxing with a coffee and your favorite magazine, watching a movie, taking the dog for a run – whatever it is, allow yourself that time. You’ll come back ready and clear headed, prepared to tackle anything.

Loren and Ayden

RELATED: Why Failure Can Be Your Greatest Teacher

Spend time with your loved ones. This is so simple, but the people we love bring us peace and joy and sometimes that’s all you need to feel like you’ve been restored. When you’re feeling like work is dragging you down and you’re no longer really making any headway, it’s time to fill up your soul with the people you love. For me, it’s spending time with my grandkids. They’re so innocent and they just want to play – what could be better than that? I get down on the floor with them, get out all their favorite toys and we travel from real life to make believe land – and, it’s wonderful. I always come back feeling like my head has had a total break and my heart is full and recharged, ready to take on any unfinished projects.

Here’s the thing: all of this is a process. Getting to that place where each one of us defines success is a lifelong journey not simply a direct path. Once you reach one milestone, you’re ready for another. And, once you reach that next one, you find yourself defining new goals. There are going to be some uphill climbs along the way and you’re going to get frustrated, you may even want to quit – but it’s all about finding balance and making the journey a happy and fulfilling one.

How do you reset when you find yourself reaching a point of frustration? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!



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