If you seek regular inspiration from seasoned entrepreneurs, you’ll likely be familiar with the phenomenon that many innovators have a ritualistic approach to generating ideas. Interestingly, many entrepreneurs credit being around water as the places where they create their best ideas. Do you come up with your best ideas in the shower, the bath, by the pool or near the ocean? Scientists believe the combination of a dopamine high, relaxed state, and distracted mind allows the brain to think more creatively on a deeper level. Read on to discover why I generate my best ideas at night.
Monday Motivation: Why I Generate My Best Ideas at Night
Twilight is my alone time. I create my best ideas at night when everyone is sleeping. Solitude presents the perfect opportunity to reflect, find solutions, and create ideas without the constant distractions of the working day.
A more scientific reason for why I generate ideas better at night is that once the hustle and bustle of the days die down, circadian rhythm switches off certain parts of my brain allowing my mind to think on another level. When you start thinking subconsciously, different connections take place, allowing for deeper thought processes.
How do you come up with your best ideas? Tweet me @lorenridinger.