Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Do you feel like you are caught in a whirlwind and you don’t know how to get out of it? This is most of us. We are multi-tasking geniuses, however, even geniuses have to know when to pull in other troops for assistance. It’s time to delegate. You are super woman but one day you will hang up your cape and you have to train people around you to fly and soar. You will come to see that this will be of great benefit to you. At times, life can be so overwhelming with all that is on your plate, that you have to delegate responsibility. How do you do this? I am so glad that you asked. Here are a few ways to help you delegate responsibility:
How To Clear the Mind to Mental Clutter
5 Tips To Help You Be More Efficient
1. Be honest about your needs and what exactly you need help with.
2. Assign specific tasks to individuals that you can depend on to complete those tasks.
3. Prepare lists so that individuals know exactly what their tasks are.
4. Allow the assigned tasks to be done by the individual you assign them to. Delegating does not work if you continue to have your hand in things. You will only frustrate yourself.
5. Be accepting of the help that you have.