In Business Image Is Everything

Why do we care so how much about our appearance and how others perceive us? This is the same motto you should have about your business. So Why should you care so much about how your logo design, website, employees and even your company’s letter head look? In business image is everything and all of these elements are an extension of you and your business. Would you walk around half dressed to an important event? Probably not! The same rule should apply towards your business. It is important to create a memorable identity for your company. Your brand’s image is everything, it will represent your sales, traffic and the way people perceive your business. When you are trying to position yourself with people who don’t want to change their purchasing decisions, your brand must be powerful enough to force them out of their routines. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself when creating an image for your business.

How do I communicate my brand? Your brand’s image should reflect everything your customer touches from logo design to packaging to the colors you use for your brand to the quality of your staff even to how your receptionist answers the phone. It’s more than just a poster or a website it should extend all throughout your business. A great example of this is Tom Ford, he has a way of making sure his employees portray his business, they are an extension of Tom Ford and you can see that throughout the brand.

How do I figure out what my brand should be? Determining your brand is a combination of things. What you do authentically deliver? You can’t go out and say you’re innovative and high-tech if that’s not what you deliver. Who is your target audience? Pinpoint who your audience is and figure out what will appeal to that audience. You also need to look at your competitors and decide where you want to fit.

Is brand identity only for big companies like Apple? How about if I own a small Yoga studio? This theory applies even more to small businesses. Your image is your impression, your reputation, it’s the mindshare you occupy in a customer or client’s mind. Do they file you under high-end, expensive luxury brands? Do they file you under cheap and convenient? It doesn’t matter what size your company has, branding is about impression that help you reach your goals and serve your audience.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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