Beauty Logic Founder Milly Almodovar

There are certain people in this world who have an insatiable desire to become all that they dare to be.  They dedicate their lives to fulfilling purpose, seeking to evolve, and manifesting all that they can think of.  Their commitment is to win and to defeat failure at all costs.  Yes, they experience hardship and sacrifice, but rather than see these things as obstacles they proudly wear them as badges of honor.  These
special individuals inspire us to believe.  They help us to examine our own fight for our dreams and help us to believe that it is possible to accomplish whatever we so desire.  They serve as ambassadors to manifest visions.  Dream Chasers is what they are.  Meet Milly Almodovar, she is no ordinary blogger of beauty.  Her story will inspire you to see the beauty of your potential and empower you to trust your gut to not only chase but to conqueror your dreams.  Before becoming a blogger, you worked in finance and then pursued a career in reporting in New York City.

What encouraged your shift from reporter to full time blogger?  I left finance to pursue reporting but after working behind the
scenes in news for three years, I found myself kind of overwhelmed and a little depressed.  I’m naturally a happy person, so to go to work, and hear nothing but talk of rapes, and murders, after a while, it was more than I could handle.  I started my blog while still working in the news, and I noticed how much I looked forward to blogging.  I offered life advice as well as beauty recommendations and reviews.  I knew I
found my calling when I got emails from girls telling me posts I had written about not comparing yourself or about always taking care of yourself, had changed their lives.  That’s when I knew this might be my something!

Beautylogicblog is your brainchild.  Why the name Beauty Logic and why beauty? 
I love beauty, whether I’m talking about natural beauty products like coconut oil, or avocado oils which will change your hair for the better, or makeup.  I love it all.  I love it because I have seen the power of what beauty products can do for someone.  When I was a teen, a good girlfriend of mine had a huge cherry (big hyper pigmentation mark on her face).  She would get teased endlessly because of it and she was so depressed.  She went to the Dominican Republic one summer and when she came back, I noticed her cherry was almost gone.  She acted so different and she looked so pretty.  I asked her if she had gotten her cherry removed.  She told me that her aunt had showed her how to use foundation and concealer to cover it up.  Her whole attitude changed after this beauty transformation and she was so super confident afterwards.  It was great to see this.  It was then I realized the power of makeup.  How it could not only change you physically but internally.  The reason I picked the name Beauty Logic is because you have to think logically when it comes to beauty products.  So many products claim things that just aren’t true and won’t happen.  Wrinkle creams that claim they will get rid of your wrinkles, sorry to say, no wrinkle cream will get rid of wrinkles once
they are on your face.  (It’s better to prevent them from coming-that’s why I stress anti-aging on the blog.)

On the blog you give various life advice and beauty information. What do you want women to take away from your blog?  1) That beauty products don’t always have to cost an arm and a leg to be great.  2) That anything is possible as long as you believe.  3) That when you help others, you are also helping yourself.

You have stated various times that your dream is to become a beauty correspondent on the national level.  You have just become a CVS Global beauty expert.  How do you balance motherhood and being a wife with endurance to go after your dreams?  I always tell my readers to make sure they surround themselves around positive people.  My husband is the most positive person I know, and sometimes I think he’s more excited about my career than I am.  But also, I do most of my work when my family is sleeping.  I am an early riser, so I get a lot of work done in the morning, and a lot of it done at night, when they are asleep.  It works for me.


What would you say is the number one mistake that women make with regards to personal beauty?  They use too much.  Sometimes less is more.

What is your best kept beauty secret and why?  I’ve got a few:  1) Anti-age your neck and décolleté-first signs of aging show there.  2) Use coconut oil-it’s the best.  3) When you are confident about yourself, it makes you look 10 times more attractive than what you really are.  4) Drink water-so important.

You are a believer in vision boards and positive thinking.  I definitely believe in vision boards and positive thinking and surrounding myself around positive energy.  I think it was Loren who said “you are what you think,” so I choose to think I’m pretty great.  I
remember there was a time when I surrounded myself with negative thoughts, my life was hell.  Never again!!!  There are two things on my vision board this year that have manifested already, but I can’t reveal just yet.  I can tell you that I am appearing in a national TV commercial airing during a huge award show.  What is the best advice that you can give to someone who is thinking about becoming a blogger but does not know how to get started?  Do it!  Stop waiting for the time to be right.  The Right time is Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If you are passionate about something, do it and you will see some major things happen.

Where do you see Beautylogicblog at the end of 2012?  I don’t like to predict the future, but I hope that Beauty Logic will be known all over the world.

Complete this sentence: Milly is... a girl who thinks that anything is possible as long as you believe.




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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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