Q&A With Loren Ridinger for International Women’s Day

MAIC 2015 Loren Ridinger Opening Speech

Happy International Women’s Day to all the ladies out there who are doing the best they can and reaching for their dreams. Being a woman is never easy, but it’s certainly a privilege. We women are strong but graceful, brave but gentle, and nurturing but powerful. So let’s never forget all the amazing things we are capable of accomplishing. In honor of this day, my editorial team had me answers some of the most popular questions I get asked time and time again. I hope they give you a bit of insight as to my day-to-day and inspire you to go after what you’ve been reaching for. It’s all there for you to take if you want it. Thanks so much for reading and for being such a great inspiration to me. Love you all. xoxo

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Q&A with Loren Ridinger, Founder of Motives Cosmetics and Market America | SHOP.COM

1 – What do you think makes a strong woman? A strong woman is someone who feels confident in her own skin.  Someone who lifts other people up (especially women) and makes them feel good about who they are and sees the good in those. She empowers others to succeed and follow their dreams as that is what she is doing. She is someone who is not afraid to step out of the box and do things that others may be afraid to do.  She is not intimated by others or influenced and thinks for herself.  She can juggle many things and tasks at once and does it with grace… all of the above make her not only strong, but incredibly beautiful.

2 – What’s your secret to success?  I do the hardest things first every day. I need to get them out of the way in order to have control over my time.  After those needs are done, I can do whatever I want at my leisure.  I only surround myself with positive people.  I survey my environment constantly and make sure that only those who are supportive and lift me up are the ones around me.  I set dates to hit my goals and I hold myself accountable.  I am not afraid to do what others haven’t done and I do not let others influence my thinking that something can’t be done.  “I can’t” is simply not in my vocabulary.

3 – Who was your role model growing up? My mom.  She was a master juggler: she worked, took care of her kids and husband, and everyone around her loved her.  She worried about everyone from the family to the neighbors and anyone that she knew.  She did it all with grace and never asked for anything in return.  I was blessed to have her while I did, and my whole life is dedicated to being just half as good as she was at it all. And if that’s the case, I succeeded.  🙂


4 – Who inspires you now? Women.  Women everywhere.  The ones that are strong are simply amazing.  They motivate me.  My daughter, Amber, my bestie Jennifer Lopez, they don’t stop and they know what they want. That always inspires me.

5 – What advice do you have for young women who want to become entrepreneurs like you? Never stop.  Find someone to mentor you, study who you admire and do what they do. Never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.  Remember, in order to succeed you have to do what others won’t do.  It’s a pretty simple formula and then just do it. 🙂

6 – What are you working on now? Clothes, shoes, a new costume jewelry line.. Everything.. It never stops.. I am always thinking ahead of myself. 🙂 that’s what makes life so fun..

Loren Ridinger Celebrates International Women's Day




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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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