Z-100’s Carolina Bermudez on Radio, Inspiration and Motivation

The fashionista voice behind Elvis Duran and the Morning Show in New York on WHTZ (Z100), which is also simulcast in Miami on Y100 (WHY-FM), in Philadelphia on Q012 (WIOQ) and in various other markets around the country. Bermudez than joined Elvis Duran Morning Zoo on January 17, 2005, Bermudez came to Z100 from Y100 in Miami, where she had been a part of the “Kenny & Footy Morning Show” (together with co-shot Froggy). Ironically, this is the Miami morning show that Elvis Duran and the Morning show would later replace in May 2006. With a BA in Broadcast Journalism from Arizona State University a Latin Billboard Awards brought her to Miami, she worked at WHYI. Carolina takes you inside her world.

Where did you grow up and what were you inspired as a child?

I grew up in Warren, Ohio and as the youngest of six kids I drew inspiration mainly from my family. I saw how determined my father was to provide for us and how important it is to keep your family together from my mother – so that’s where I established my work ethic. My brothers and sisters are all extremely intelligent and creative people who doted on me as “the baby” and encouraged me to just be me. It was through their encouragement I believed I could actually do the things I daydreamed about.

How did you get your start in the radio/media industry?

I got my start in radio purely by chance. Although I received my degree in Broadcasting from Arizona State, I never imagined I would use my training towards radio. I was under the impressions that I would start off in TV and my career would take off but that wasn’t the case. I was working a freelance PR gig for the Latin Billboard Awards in Miami when I rain into when I ran into Eric V. from the “Baka Boyz” a radio show I used to listen to when I would visit my cousins in the Bay area. I told him about my interest in radio and my love of music so he offered me an internship right there on the spot. Through that internship, shortly after I was presented with an amazing opportunity to work on Y100 and my career took from there. About a year and half later I was working at the #1 radio station in the country Z100.

If there is only one thing you can do all over again what would it be?

I wouldn’t change a thing about my path or how I got to where I am today.I know it might sound cliche, but I truly believe the people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had along the way helped me build character and taught me so much about myself.

Whats a typical day like for you?

A typical day for me begins at 4am; I wake up, get ready and hit the studio by around 5am.Our show is live from 6-10am but once we get off the air I record commercials, bits, features, etc. for the following day.Then I’ll head back to Brooklyn, get “camera ready” for any TV appearances I may have and head back to the City. On a good day, I’ll have time to meet with my trainer and then I’m back at home by 7pm to have dinner with my fiancée.I then catch up on what happened on the blogs, I’ll watch the TV shows we’ll most likely be talking about the next day, shower and am in bed by 10 or 11pm.It’s a long day, but it’s so worth it because I absolutely love what I do.

What is the scariest thing you’ve gone for, and how did you work through the fear?

The scariest thing I ever went for was my job on Z100. I was perfectly comfortable living in Miami and I had never imagined living in NYC, where I had no friends and no family. I was coming on to an already established, already successful morning show so there was a lot of apprehension on my part. I just reminded myself that there was a reason why I was there. There was a reason why I was brought on board, so I had to believe in myself and the talent that got me to that place. I had a lot of”pep talks” with myself and wrote extensively in my journals for clarity. It’s interesting to go back to those journals and see the progression I’ve made- I started out as a girl but became a woman throughout that period.

What is your secret for multi-tasking?

My secret for multi-tasking is always staying on top of my game- thank GOD for the iPad!!! I’m constantly making sure I know what’s going on whether it’s breaking news on CNN or TMZ, I feel like it’s my responsibility to know those stories so I can bring them to our audience the next morning. I am not afraid to delegate tasks; I think this idea that we have to be “Superwomen” is unrealistic, it’s unattainable so you’re setting yourself up to fail. I make it a priority to take care of personal business first so I can have peace of mind when dealing with professional responsibilities.

When do you feel most beautiful?

I feel most beautiful after a work out; my cheeks are flushed, I’m sweating all the negativity out of my body and I know I’ve done something great for myself. Then I hop in the shower, moisturize and I feel like I’m glowing!

Name one thing you feel makes you unique?

I actually like listening more than I do speaking. You learn so much more when you can just take in what others are saying.

What do you do to encourage others? How do you encourage yourself ?

Being positive is contagious. I believe if you encourage the people around you, you’re only building your network of support. Now more than ever people need to hear it when they’re doing a great job and I pride myself on telling people when they do. I love mentoring our interns and showing them that despite what they’ve heard about our industry, there ARE individuals who are secure enough with themselves to show you the way. I encourage myself by remembering where I’ve been and how far I’ve come. It makes me realize I haven’t even scratched the surface of what I’m going to do with my life!

If you were given the opportunity to interview someone dead or alive who would it be?

It would have to be Marilyn Monroe. It’s not even that I’m a huge fan, but I believe she lived a fascinating yet terribly sad life. The stories she could tell would probably blow people away and the advice she could give about the industry, men and interacting with other women would be priceless.

Have you ever been star struck if so who was it?

I was completely star struck by Stevie Wonder.He’s a living legend who couldn’t be a nicer guy!I told him how he’s serenaded me to sleep ever since I was a little girl; I would fall asleep listening to his music and when I told him that, he asked what my favorite song was and sang it to me.By far, it’s been one of my best moments ever.

What gets you out of bed every morning?

I love knowing that I get to be the person who makes people smile and get their day started.I love being able to influence others to do great things with their lives.I’m living the American dream.Everything my Dad worked SO HARD for, I’m getting to reap the benefits.It motivates me to do the same for my children should I be blessed enough to have them one day.

Apart from what you are doing now, do you have another hidden passion?

While radio has been my foundation, I definitely want my own talk show on TV one day. It would be so amazing to follow in the footsteps of my idol Oprah!I’d love to be the first Latina to have her own talk show in the States and pave the way for the next generation.

What advice do you have for those who are trying to make it in the industry?If you are trying to be on the radio or break into television my advice is to never get discouraged and work harder than anyone else because that’s the only way you are going to get ahead. Know your stuff. Never take what people have to say about you to heart because for every 100 people that like you there will be 1 who won’t and you can’t let that one person negate your supporters.I suggest starting at the bottom- work your way to the top.A good leader doesn’t feel like anything is beneath them and it’ll teach you the ins and outs of the industry along the way.

want to know more about Carolina follow her on twitter @therealcarolina



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