10 Signs You May Be In An Abusive Relationship

With all the news circling around the former Ravens player, Ray Rice, who was recently fired from the Ravens team and indefinitely
suspended from the NFL for publicly assaulting his wife (then fiancé); it brings to light all the men and women out there who may be experiencing abuse. Obviously, abuse in any form is one of the toughest issues anyone could face in their lifetime – not knowing how to change the situation, being fearful on a daily basis and even helping to conceal. While every situation is different, here’s a look at signs that you might be in an abusive relationship and it’s time to ask for help.


1. If you’ve experienced moments in your relationship that make you feel concerned for what might happen the next time – take a look at what gave you those nervous feelings.

2. When your partner talks about you in a negative or derogatory way. Emotional abuse is real too and language can be used as a form of abuse. Listen to your heart – do these negative words make me feel uncomfortable or bad about myself?

3. Do you have that feeling like you’re always walking on eggshells? Like what you want doesn’t matter or isn’t important?

4. Can you do no right when you’re out in public or in a social situation with other people? Does your partner act like the center of attention, putting you down while he or she is at it?

5. Have you experienced moments where your partner’s jealousy reaches extremes?

6. Do you feel that your partner is overly possessive of you, to the point of making you uncomfortable?

7. What about not taking no for an answer? If you’ve experienced moments where your partner insists that you do something you don’t want to do – this may be cause for concern.

8. Have you been pressured by your partner to take your relationship to the next level or get more serious when you aren’t ready?

9. Do arguments get out of control with loud yelling, acts of aggression of violence?

10. Are you afraid?

Asking yourself these questions and assessing the state of your relationship is important for getting an understanding about your relationship and if it’s abusive. Above all – if you feel afraid of your partner, reach out to a friend or family member. It’s time to get some help.




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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