25 Reasons to Get out of Bed Early

waking up, get out of bed, early, get out of bed, 25 reasons

You know that awful feeling….when the alarm clock goes off and you just don’t want to get up. But, then this magical thing happens. You know it’s early, but you get up anyway. The house is quiet. The kids and the dog are still asleep and you find yourself with some time to simply be. You make your coffee and sit down on the front stoop with the paper or you go for a run…however you spend that time – it’s so peaceful and blissful. You couldn’t be happier that you got up early. Waking up with the sun or even a bit before can be a tough habit to form – it means going to bed earlier to make sure you’re getting enough sleep. But, once you’re in that routine, those wee morning hours are some of the best you’ll have all day. Not sure you’re ready to make that change? Here’s a look at 25 reasons to get out of bed early.

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25 Reasons to Get out of Bed Early
  1. Enjoy the peace and quiet.
  2. Get a head start on your to do list.
  3. Spend some time outside before you’re stuck in the office all day.
  4. Make a great breakfast rather than eating on the go.
  5. Get in some much-needed exercise.
  6. Make some time to meditate.
  7. Walk the dog.
  8. Have an amazing start to the day.
  9. Revel in the fact that you can take your time.
  10. Enjoy a cup of coffee.
  11. Read the paper or watch the news.
  12. Get ready for the day by making a list.
  13. Enjoy some time in your garden.
  14. Prepare dinner for that night.
  15. Meet up with some friends and start the day with a walk.
  16. Take up lap swimming and get a brisk start.
  17. Feel like you’re completely prepared rather than in a total rush.
  18. Beat the traffic.
  19. Enjoy the quiet of your neighborhood.
  20. Try morning yoga as a great way to greet the sun.
  21. Feel like you have more time in the evening by getting your exercise in early.
  22. Have the time to pack a great lunch for yourself or your family.
  23. Read a book.
  24. Be able to set aside some time for self or spiritual reflection.
  25. Take a deep breath.

It’s incredible how hectic our lives have become with school, work, family responsibilities and driving kiddos to all sorts of after-school activities. It often seems there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything you’d like to. But, starting your day a little earlier and giving yourself the time to simply enjoy being awake is one of the greatest gifts we have. Are you and early riser or could you change your habits to give yourself this peaceful time in the morning?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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