3 Major Traits That Keep Female Friendships Strong

Loren Ridinger and Larsa Pippa at MAIC 2015

There’s pretty much nothing better than your girls, right? Many of us have had tight groups of female friendships for years – and no one can understand you better or be a better listener when times get tough. Through thick and thin, young and old, friendships with gal pals withstand some of the most down times of life, but also know how to celebrate when things are going your way. Like any other close knit relationship, gal pal friendships need work to keep them strong – from having an open dialogue to offering support when it’s needed most. Even the closest of friendships can hit rocky roads, but putting in the time and effort to keep the bond tight will help solidify a strong foundation for years to come. Want to be sure your female friendships are tight? Here’s a look at the characteristics that are essential to keeping them strong.

Loren Ridinger Larsa Pippen Maria Checa Natalia Weissman

3 Major Characteristics That Keep Female Friendships Strong

1. Open Dialogue. This is huge with any relationship, but absolutely essential with your female friendships. Putting your feelings out on the table helps keep lines of communication wide open – and nothing feels buried or hidden. Sometimes, when feelings are involved, human inclination is to hide the hurt or anger rather than talking it out, but when it comes to female friendships, staying open is the name of the game.

2. Trust. There’s nothing worse than a relationship that lacks trust – and that most certainly goes for female friendships too. If you can’t trust your friends, who can you trust? Relationships that lack trust also lack the solid foundation to help the relationship grow and evolve with time – and that’s essential to a solid friendship. Having a sense of trust is a built in platform for knowing who is really going to be there for you when times get tough. In some relationships, it takes time to build a sense of trust – but with your girls – it’s often there from the start.

3. Support Rather Than Competition. When it comes to your gal pals it can be easy to get in the habit of being a little competitive rather than 100% supportive – but why? These are your besties! When a sense of competition or even jealousy starts to sneak in, it’s essential to squelch that and turn straight to being totally supportive. You’re all going to experience pits and peaks in life and being there for one another during the successes is actually just as important as being there during times of struggle.

What are your favorite parts about your friendships with your best girls? How do you make sure that your bond stays strong even when times get a little tough or you don’t see eye-to-eye?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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