3 Top Paying Online Jobs

If you have been thinking about changing careers or shifting your career focus just a bit to more web-based online focused work – there are heaps of opportunities out there. The digital landscape is changing – at a pretty rapid pace and the demand for workers who know aspects of web development, social media, web analytics, programming (the list goes on) is incredibly high. It’s also a pretty flexible field – given the fact that most web-based work can be done remotely with a computer and an internet connection. If you’re ready to make that leap, but you’re just not sure which direction to go, here are a few of the top paying online jobs out there to give you a few ideas.

Top Paying Online Jobs

3 Top Paying Online Jobs

#1. Web Developer. According to The Simple Dollar, “it’s fairly easy to build your own website if you take advantage of the many free learning opportunities online. However, much of the population isn’t equipped to build their own site, or doesn’t have the time, which is why so many people make a living building websites and blogs for others. According to the BLS, around 25% of Web developers were self-employed in 2012, with the vast majority able to work at home, or anywhere with a laptop and speedy Internet connection.

Even better, the national median wage for Web developers was $63,160 in 2013, with the top 10% earning an average of $110,350. And you typically don’t need an advanced degree to begin working in this field. All you need is some postsecondary education, applicable experience, and a portfolio of successful sites you’ve built and managed. There are even intensive coding boot camps designed to teach programming skills in just a few short months.”

Another great opportunity on the content side of the web is for anyone with a writing background. With so many sites, blogs and social media content being generated, writers are in high demand. Here’s what The Simple Dollar had to say about

#2. Freelance Writers: “More than ever, writers are needed to formulate news articles, create content, and come up with the creative ideas that fill the pages of nearly every site on the Internet. And although many bigger sites have in-house writers, a growing number of sites outsource their content and hire freelance writers and content creators. Writing experience is very helpful, but what you really need to get started are drive, ambition, and the ability to find a unique angle on events that happen every day.

Sites like Upwork.com and ODesk.com list online freelancing positions, as does Freelancer.com. To get hired, you will likely need to have a portfolio of work, or at least some writing samples you can include with your resume.”

A more recent role on the career scene, but one that’s in incredibly high demand is Social Media Managers. Firms around the globe are finding themselves in the position where much of their advertising and interacting with clients has to be done on social media channels. And, understanding the strategy and nuances of utilizing social media for big business doesn’t come naturally to many. It’s a high-demand and well-paying position with growing opportunities every day.

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#3. Social Media Manager. “Almost every big business has gotten on the social media bandwagon as a means to reach their customers directly, and without paying heavily for television, print, or radio ads. But not every big business has someone to manage their social media accounts, which is why more individuals have begun marketing themselves as social media managers and helping businesses grow their online following and expand their reach.

Although very little data are available for this work-at-home job since it is relatively new, thousands of listings for social media managers can be found on sites like CareerBuilder.com, SimplyHired.com, and Upwork.com. If you have a demonstrated command of social media and a sizable following, you might even be able to get started by reaching out to companies directly and asking if they need help.” (via The Simple Dollar)

The opportunities for social media based and online jobs are pretty endless and for many, the intriguing part is the extensive flexibility to work remotely. If you’re thinking you’re ready to make that leap and you know you have the skills and the ability to put your web knowledge to the test, what are you waiting for?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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