4 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Inspire a Life Change

It’s funny how the changing of the seasons – or even knowing the changing of the seasons is coming – can start to make you think more strategically about the next steps for your life. With Labor Day and September on the horizon, that feeling of knowing summers end is coming has set in. And, with that on your mind, it’s a good time to starting thinking about what’s next. Sometimes what’s next is a lot of the same, with more commitment and better intentions, but sometimes it’s really time for a change. When you know deep down it’s time for a big life change, what do you do first? How do you take those initial steps? As you enjoy these last few weeks of carefree time in the sun, here are a few things to start thinking about and a few steps you can take right now to inspire a life change. Ready?

Things to Consider Before a Career Change | Loren's World

4 Steps You Can Take to Inspire a Life Change

#1. Make a decision about what you really want for yourself. Sometimes the biggest part of making a change is knowing what that change is going to be. Rather than continuing to waffle about what you’re going to do, make a decision. If you know your passion is to leave your 9-5 and make a go at as an entrepreneur, set that intention and make that your goal. If what you want to is to go back to school and have a full career change, set that as your intention and make a commitment to figuring out what it’s going to take. Bottom line: decide.

#2. Stop with the excuses and take charge. It’s very easy to blame indecision and lack of change on those around you or on your environment. But now, if you really want to make a change, it’s time to stop. Take responsibility for your life, your decisions and face the fact that no one can make this change happen but you. You are the keeper of your destiny, you are the one who controls your future and it’s you who has to take that next step into unknown waters to help drive change in your own life.

#3. Stop with the self-doubt and have some faith. Big changes can be really scary. There’s a whole unknown world out there that you don’t yet know how to navigate, but here’s the thing: eventually you will. You’ll get past those initial new steps and eventually you’ll have it down. And, fear cannot be the thing that stops you from following your dreams – that’s a terrible excuse! Let’s say your big change means moving from a small town to a big city like Manhattan. Of course you’re scared, but it’s all part of the adventure. You’ll learn the subway, you’ll learn your way around and believe it or not – you’ll even make friends. Have a little faith in yourself – and you’re off!

#4. Don’t forget about establishing some goals. Sometimes a big dream has to be broken down into smaller chunks – it’s the only way to tackle it and succeed. That’s where setting some goals and milestones comes in. Think about your goals as your stopping points along the way to your ultimate destination – that big change. Maybe that means spending a year to save enough money for a big move to the city. Or readjusting your daily work schedule to accommodate taking some college courses. Perhaps you’ll have to do some downsizing in order to start your own business or make some serious changes to your spending habits. Whatever it is, setting those small goals is the best way to reach that final destination.

So what do you think? Can you do this for yourself? Can you use these tactics to face your dreams head on and figure out exactly how you can make a big life change your reality?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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