40 Ways to Curb a Bad Day

40 Ways to Curb a Bad Day

We’ve all been there. In a nutshell, you’re just having a bad day. You woke up late. You didn’t sleep well. The coffee maker broke. You got a flat tire. You can’t find your wallet. Your boss is driving you crazy. You have too many projects happening at once. The traffic is off the charts. The dog didn’t quite make it outside. You burned dinner. I could go on and on – the simplest things are able to turn a good day bad in the blink of an eye.

Just when you think you have everything together and life is moving full speed ahead, boom – you get a flat tire and it all goes downhill from there. You can take it one of two ways: you either wallow in it and let the rest of your day suffer too or you take a deep breath and quickly turn it all around. Life’s too short to let something silly have a negative impact on your, so here are 40 ways to curb a bad day.

40 Ways to Curb a Bad Day
  1. Take five mins to meditate in a quiet space.
  2. Get outside and take a walk.
  3. Plant some flowers.
  4. Don’t have time to plant? Buy yourself a beautiful bouquet at the grocery store.
  5. Walk your dog or play fetch.
  6. Go for a run.
  7. Head to the gym for an exercise class.
  8. Pour yourself a glass of wine.
  9. Take a bubble bath.
  10. Call your best friend.
  11. Invite a friend out for Happy Hour.
  12. Enjoy a good book.
  13. Go get a massage.
  14. Take a yoga class or pop in a yoga video.
  15. Take your kids to the playground.
  16. Go for a swim at the local pool.
  17. Bake something delicious.
  18. Work on a home project like painting your bedroom a new color.
  19. Go volunteer somewhere like a soup kitchen or dog shelter.
  20. Watch your favorite movie,
  21. Take two and go see a movie.
  22. Enjoy something totally indulgent like a piece of pastry or a huge mug of hot cocoa.
  23. Visit your grandparents.
  24. Call your favorite cousin.
  25. Go to the mall.
  26. Take a long drive.
  27. Go for a hike at a local park.
  28. Head to the beach.
  29. Go to a coffee shop and spend an hour with a latte and your favorite book.
  30. Take an art class.
  31. Try something new at the gym.
  32. Go visit a neighbor.
  33. Simply tell yourself – it’s time to turn this around. And, do it.
  34. Put it all into perspective.
  35. Spend some time at your church.
  36. Hug your partner.
  37. Hug your kiddos.
  38. Go for a bike ride.
  39. Take a social media break.
  40. Remind yourself how good you have it.

What do you think? Can you use one or a few of these ideas the next time your day seems to be going downhill?



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We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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