5 Bad Skin Habits You Need to Break

5 Bad Skin Habits You Need to Break

There is nothing that makes you feel more beautiful than when your skin is clear. Your makeup goes on smoothly, your eyes are stand out and sparkly, and you feel like a million bucks. On the flip side, when your skin is dull and flaky, dry or broken out, it often feels like there is no amount of makeup in the world that can make you feel good and it’s super frustrating. So what’s happening? Why is your skin going through phases of looking great one day and not so great the next? It’s just like the rest of your body, your skin requires lots of TLC and care from the inside out. Keep reading to learn about five bad skin habits you need to break to be sure everything’s in tip-top shape.

5 Bad Skin Habits You Need to Break

5 Bad Skin Habits You Need to Break

Overdoing it on the libations. We all want to have a good time; there’s no doubt about it. But, have you ever noticed that after a few days of too many holiday parties, your skin starts looking pretty dull? Alcohol not only will make you appear extra puffy, but it’s dehydrating you (and your skin) while you’re at it. Be sure to enjoy yourself, but moderation is the name of the game!

Forgetting sunscreen, or just skipping it all together. Sunscreen is number one in my book when it comes to caring for your skin – and that means 365 days a year. It doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of a snowstorm or the blazing sun on a beach, protecting your skin…especially your face from the harmful rays of the sun is essential. If you can’t deal with two steps in the morning, use a moisturizer with broad spectrum SPF, meaning it will protect you from both UVA and UVB rays. When summer or vacay rolls around, make sure you’re covered from head to toe in sun protection.

Smoking. If you’re a smoker, you’re no stranger to the fact that it’s just not good for your body – any part of it! It puts your health in jeopardy, but it’s also a number one cause for wrinkles and dull skin. It may sound tougher than you think to quit, but your body will thank you for it.

Skipping out on cleaning your makeup brushes. Ugh! This is my biggest pet peeve. When you’re using something on your face, no matter what it is, it should always be clean. It’s your face, after all! Cleaning your makeup brushes on a regular basis is essential for keeping your skin clear and bacteria off your face. Every few weeks, use gentle soap to clean brushes and let them air dry.

Not drinking enough water. I talk about hydration so often around here; it’s the magic that keeps your body ticking at its highest capacity. It’s up to you to give your body the amount of water it needs so that it functions and looks its absolute best – and that goes for skin too! Be sure to get at least eight cups a day and more when you can.


So what do you think? Are these a few bad skin habits you can work on breaking?



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