5 Best Apps for Business Travelers

There’s nothing more amazing than being able to travel all over the world for business! I love experiencing new places and meeting new people because I always learn something new about the world or myself 🙂 Being able to travel for business is such an amazing blessing, but it can be challenging when it comes to staying organized. Toting around a suitcase of files is not an option for me, so instead I use smartphone apps to keep my business and personal life in order. Check out my top 5 personal favs, and let me know yours! xoxo

5 Best Apps for Business Travelers

CardMunch –  Love this app! It lets you take a photo of the business cards you collect while on a trip and store the information instantly as a mobile contact 🙂

FlightTrack 5 – Are you a frequent flyer? You’re going to love this app! FlightTrack 5 is the #1 app for staying up to date on flight departure and arrival times.

Refresh –  Traveling for work means I meet a lot of people, but keeping names and info about who they are can be sooo challenging! Refresh is a free app that puts together a personal and professional summary of the people you interact with from their public social media posts.

SignEasy –  If you’re like me and have to sign documents frequently, you don’t have time to print and return the signed document via fax! With the SignEasy app, I can download the doc, sign it, and send it back in under a minute.

Wi-Fi Finder –  Instead of searching for wi-fi hotspots in a new city, I use Wi-Fi Finder to track down and even save locations of wi-fi hotspots near me.

Uber – There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to find a taxi in a busy city, so I always use Uber to hail a cab. The best part? Uber uses my phone’s GPS location to find the nearest available driver, so I’m good to go even if I don’t know the street address.

These are my fav apps for business traveling, but I’d love to hear what yours are! Share them with me in the comments xoxo



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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