5 Gratitude Activities for Thanksgiving

gratitude activities thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I can’t help but start thinking about all the things I am thankful for. From a successful business and a rewarding career to a loving marriage and a family I adore, I am often overwhelmed by my own gratitude for what life has brought my way. There have been challenges, of course, but that just gives me more to be thankful for.

Sometimes when things seem like they’re not going my way or I am faced with more hurdles than I think I can handle, I look to that place of gratitude for a reminder of all that is good. This year, I’d like to work on making gratitude more prevalent in my every day – and something that takes center stage at my family Thanksgiving celebration. Here’s a few ideas for gratitude activities that will help put the focus on everything there is to be thankful for this year.

gratitude activities thanksgiving

5 Gratitude Activities for Thanksgiving

#1. Keep a gratitude journal. This is awesome for those days when you’re feeling extra down or loaded with challenges. You can update your gratitude journal with a handful of things you’re thankful for or simply browse previous entries. If you don’t have time for a full journal – that’s OK – keep this simple. Take two minutes every day to write down two things you’re thankful for. It’s as simple as that.

#2. Thank you notes as part of the Thanksgiving place settings. Why not? Typically everyone who is sitting at our Thanksgiving table is someone I love and admire, so why not make his or her Thanksgiving Day that much sweeter with a thank-you note for all that they do. Whether it’s family, friends or someone totally new joining your family meal this year – let them know why you’re glad they’re at that table too.

#3. Incorporate things you’re grateful for into the Thanksgiving place settings. Try a big roll of butcher block paper or place cards where you can label each place setting with something you’re grateful for. Or, perhaps make it interactive and place a gold marker at each person’s place setting. Have each guest write down what he or she is grateful for and then go around the table sharing thoughts.

#4. Take a walk, together as a family on Thanksgiving Day. Enjoy the outdoors, enjoy one another and take the time to talk about why you all appreciate each other. Make it relaxed and fun by being outside and casual, rather than feeling on the spot at the dinner table. Beyond anything – simple spend some time – no mobile phones, no devices – just being together. That in and of itself will remind you just how much you have to be grateful for.

#5. Give someone you love a hug. I know this sounds like the simplest gesture there is, but sometimes the feeling of a hug reminds you of everything you have, everyone you love and why you’re here. It’s incredible what taking time out for a hug can really do. When you hug that person, tell him or her why you love them and why you’re thankful to be together.

Making gratitude a part of your daily life is a game-changer. It will give you a reason to stop and be reminded of what makes life great. Do you think you’ll incorporate some of these gratitude activities into your Thanksgiving celebration?



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