5 Ways to Prevent Failure

woman, working, computer, success, success

People say that failure is inevitable. They say you need to fail before you can succeed and that you learn more from failure than you do from success. Sure, all of these mantras are true. In fact, when JR and I were starting out, all we did was fail before making a sale, but once those sales were made and we began to grow our business, we learned how to prevent failure in all it’s forms. I know what it means to fail, but I also know what it means to succeed. With my tips, the only way is up, so read on to learn how to prevent failure. Let me know what you think in the comments section.

woman, working, computer, success, success

Ask People to Hold You Accountable- Are you starting a new creative project? Or maybe you’re starting your own Unfranchise business? Find those like-minded individuals and ask them to hold you accountable. Find a mentor that’ll keep you accountable for your work. Not only will it help to make the process easier, but it’ll also help you rise.

Clear the Chaos- Sure, you’ve got a lot of things going on in your life. The kids need help with their homework, your friends want you to go out and it seems like you have no time left to go after your project. Clear the chaos, work for that hour when your kids are asleep, say ‘no’ to your friends. Work on your projects and grow your business.

Get Rid of The Negative- Those people that say you can’t do it aren’t the people you want in your life. Let them go. Negative influences aren’t worth your time. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and success stories. When you notice a negative thought, kiss it goodbye.

Let Go of the Past- The time is now, people. I know that may sound like a cliché, but it’s the whole truth. Who cares about what happened in the past? You are not that person you once were. Focus on the now and work your way up. You’ve only got the hour ahead of you. Focus on the now.

Go at it With All You’ve Got- Be so good that you cannot lose and work so hard at it that it can only succeed. Take every hour that you can to get it done. All it takes is you.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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