6 Scientific Signs You’ve Met the One

the one

You could hate someone the first time you meet them, but over time, the turns to love. Or, you meet someone and instantly know you want them in your life forever. Love can be confusing, can’t it? I knew the moment that I met JR that I was crazy about this man. Love doesn’t appear in everyone’s lives the way it did for us, so here are a few clues you’ve met the one.

6 Scientific Signs You’ve Met the One

the one

#1. Your friends and family approve.

Friends and family are the best judges when it comes to knowing who is right for you and who will make you happy. Friends and family spot the warning signs, so if they like your partner, science backs up that this is a powerful clue that you’ve met the one.

#2. You like each others’ friends and family.

Your closest friends and family will be with you for a long time, so it’s crucial that you mostly like each other and get along. You don’t have to love all of their friends and family members, and vice versa, but it’s a good sign if you genuinely like and enjoy spending time with the majority of them.

#3. You’re financially compatible.

Studies show that huge financial incompatibilities cause significant relationship problems further down the line. Red flags include one partner having enormous debts, or out of control spending habits.

#4. You’re highly attracted to each other.

It’s not everything by any means, but physical attraction is essential to keep your spark alive.

#5. Your visions for the future are compatible.

Conflicting visions for your future is a warning sign. For example, if your heart is set on a big family, but your partner has no interest in having children, they are probably not the one for you.

#6. You’re happy when you’re together.

When you both relish spending time together, this is a great sign that you’ve met the one.



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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