6 Ways You Can Support Your Spouse

Loren and JR Loren Ridinger JR Ridinger MAWC 2016 Day 2

Being in a long-term committed relationship is the most wonderful gift in the world. It can broaden your horizons, teach you about people and emotions and be the rock that guides you through some of life’s biggest hurdles. But it can also be one of the biggest challenges of your life – for all of those same reasons. You’re faced with adapting to life with someone else, you’re dealing with passionate emotions and often times you have to be that rock for another person. It’s a give and take – and requires love above all else. No matter where your marriage is – brand new or time tested over years – supporting your spouse is a key part of the relationship. And, sometimes, that can be tough to navigate when you’re not sure where to step in or where to let them breathe and be his or her own person. Here’s a look at some ways you can support your spouse, through the good times and the bad and encourage each other as you grow and search for success in your personal and professional lives.

Loren and JR Loren Ridinger JR Ridinger MAWC 2016 Day 2


  • When the relationship starts to feel stale, you can spice things up. This happens – it just does. And, it often requires one person to figure out some creative ways to reignite the passion that may have gotten buried in life’s day-to-day. Be the one to think about it, get creative and help fire up that romance when it needs a little boost.
  • When the road gets rocky, be the pillar of strength. Sometimes when the going gets tough our initial reaction is to take pity on ourselves, cry and ask why me? But often, one spouse needs the other to be a pillar of strength when tough stuff happens. Challenge yourself to be that person in the relationship during a tough time. Take a deep breath and provide words of encouragement rather than wallowing in what to do next. Your spouse will really appreciate you stepping up to the plate with this one.
  • Bring a sense of comedic relief when needed. Everyone needs a laugh once-in-a-while, and sometimes you have to be the one to provide that. When you notice your spouse is looking run down or down and out, skip the nagging and bring a few laughs to the table. You’ll find laughing together brings you closer in ways that are easily forgotten.
  • Support his or her dreams and passions. No matter how big, how small, how realistic or ridiculous, you need to be your spouse’s biggest supporter. Achieving dreams and chasing passions can be tough – so they’ll need all the help they can get – and, that should come from you.
  • Be the one who’s realistic when need be. Sometimes dreams and passions can get out of hand, and while you want to and should be your spouse’s biggest supporter, you also have to be the one that helps them face reality from time to time. Be sensitive and caring in your approach and help him or her figure out alternatives that will work for you and your family.
  • Let love reign. Above all else, you love one another and let that love shine through. From the tiniest gesture to grand declarations – don’t ever forget to let your spouse know just how much you love him or her. It’s important to be reassured – and sometimes you have to take that extra step and make an added effort – but it will feel so good and fill your heart too.

Are you working on ways to support your spouse? What are the special things you do for him or her to reaffirm the strength of your relationship?



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