8 Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers


Have you recently started a blog and gotten pretty excited about the amazing opportunities and connections ahead? Good for you! So now that your blog is up and running, are you looking for ways to get more blog subscribers? It’s super easy to forget that your subscribers are one of the most important assets to your blog and increasing the number of subscribers you have can be a little bit of a challenge. Here are ways to get more blog subscribers and keep them coming back again and again.


8 Ways to Get More Blog Subscribers

  1. Ask away! Just go ahead and ask your readers to subscribe – and don’t worry, they will.
  2. Comment on other blogs. Getting active in the blogging community is absolutely necessary. Bloggers totally support each other, plus you can add your url to the blog comments!
  3. Add a link to your blog in your email signature. (this one is super easy!)
  4. Get out on social media. Become part of the conversation and get your blog out there too.
  5. Just say it. No reader is going to subscribe to you blog unless you make it easy. Add a subscribe button in a prime location – and make it obvious.
  6. Make it super easy. What more do you need than their email address, right? Don’t ask your subscribers to fill out a lengthy form with tons of details.
  7. Reach out to other bloggers and offer to write guest posts. Putting yourself out there is huge.
  8. Giveaway. Offer something cool for those who subscribe – like a sweet prize. Readers love free stuff.

What do you think, can you use these ways to get more blog subscribers? Do you have any other tricks to add?



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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