9 Gifts Your Favorite Virgo Will Love

virgo, virgo season, 9 gifts a virgo will love

Happy birthday month to Virgo! (August 23 to September 22) Got any friends out there who you love and adore with a birthday this month? Virgos are detail oriented, constantly analyzing and while they may seem innocent and very sweet, they’re actually extremely quick witted and never miss a beat. They’re you’re favorite friends because they will ALWAYS be there when you need them or when help is needed in any situation, they give awesome advice because they are the most thoughtful and patient listeners. They’re perfectionists and problem solvers – great to have around in a pinch, but that means they often need to find ways to chill out. Whether it’s yoga, mediation, reading a book, doing a crossword puzzle or headed out into nature for a hike, Virgo’s really need that downtime to keep everything in balance and in check. Sound just like that Virgo in your life? Here’s a roundup of great gifts, perfect for your favorite Virgo.

9 Gifts Your Favorite Virgo Will Love

virgo, virgo season, 9 gifts a virgo will love

New York Times Daily Crossword Puzzles to satisfy their quench for problem solving.

virgo, virgo season, 9 gifts a virgo will love

And, a fun coffee mug for hours of Sunday morning crossword time.

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A Dragonfly Yoga Mat to head to class in style.

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A Travel Size Foam Roller for lots of stretching in between classes.

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A cute hoodie for your favorite Virgo. Check it out below!

virgo, virgo season, 9 gifts a virgo will love


And, a great pair of running shorts to match.

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A book about meditation for learning something new.

virgo, virgo season, 9 gifts a virgo will love


And, Meditation Bells Wind Chimes for creating the perfect atmosphere at home.

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A feather charm bracelet to bring that calming energy everywhere they go.

virgo, virgo season, 9 gifts a virgo will love


What do you think? Will your favorite Virgo love some of these awesome birthday gifts? If you loved this post, be sure to let me know in the comments section or tweet me @lorenridinger.



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