All the Ways I Learned to Love My Body

All the Ways I Learned to Love My Body , love my body, body love, self love, self-love, self care

Here’s a radical thought: love your body as it is right now. I get it; you say you’ll love it when you 5 pounds lighter or when you get those rock hard abs. Trust me; you’re not going to love your body later if you don’t do your best to love it now. We’re always going to be picky about the way we look, which is why I wanted to share this post with you. I’m big on self-love and self-care. I believe loving your body is a big part of loving yourself. I had to learn love my body, as well! It wasn’t easy. If you’re trying to love your body, remember that no journey is linear and you’re going to make some mistakes along the way. Don’t be too hard on yourself, but still work hard. Read on to learn more!

All the Ways I Learned to Love My Body


There’s more to life than worrying about cellulite. 

Seriously! I started my body-positive journey after looking myself in the mirror criticizing the way that I look, and then deciding it was a waste of my time. Hating the way I look is not going to make me money or change just because I hate it. I took a different approach.

Your body is amazing.

It truly is. Think about all the things your body is doing right now just while reading this post! Its mind boggling to believe. The human body is more incredible than any new iPhone or technology that comes out. Instead of harping on all the bad, focus on the good. Tell yourself body-positive affirmations. Remind yourself that you’re a healthy strong woman!

I started talking to myself like I’m my own best friend.

I honestly believe that all my friends are beautiful and that there’s nothing that needs to be changed about them. Why can’t I feel the same about myself? I would never tell any of my friends that their hideous or need to change in any way. Be loving to yourself and watch your perspective change!




MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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