Anthony Weiner Raises A Bigger Question

It was sad to see another marriage publicly deal with intimate deals of their marriage. My heart goes out to Huma Abedin, the wife of Congressman Anthony Weiner who is expecting her first child. I don’t think that there was a woman on the planet whose heart did not drop when the story broke about the explicit pictures between Congressman Weiner and other other alleged women. Reading many articles on this situation, I noticed that there were many mixed opinions if his actions should be considered cheating.

With limitless access in communication that Social Media provides, have the rules changes on what is permissible cheating? Many relationship experts are stating that when you go outside of your marriage to have a need met, it is considered cheating. Here is my question to you. Do you believe that using terms such as “sexy” or “sugar” while communication on Facebook is cheating? do you believe that your significant other or spouse is cheating when sending or receiving nude photos?

I know several individuals who would say yes. However, the Weiner situation has many split on the issue. There are critics that believe harmless photos and occasional terms of endearment through Twitter or Facebook are not harmful to a relationship; considering that the two individuals will never meet are not staples in each others lives. What do you believe?

I have always believed that any relationship should have a foundation of love, trust and respect. Communication between the two involved individuals is clear. When you have the best interest of another human being at heart, you will never want to do anything to cause them to become hurt or upset.

Remember, love does not intentionally hurt.


I would like to know your thoughts.  Send me a tweet @lorenridinger.









MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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