Ask and you’ll shall receive

We’ve all asked the universe for something at one point or another. Some might call it praying, while others call it “putting it out there.” Whatever your views may be, I think we can all agree that asking is part of who we are. Can you think back to a time in your life when you asked for something and only few months later realized you received it? It could have been for more money or a college acceptance letter. It’s pretty cool how our requests get answered. But as we get older, we tend to over think our desires, which only delays the receiving process.

So how can we start receiving from life? Well, first we need to learn how to ask. Many of us may think it’s selfish to ask for things. “Why should I ask to be wealthy when there are so many poor people living on the streets?” Well, those poor people would rather you help them with your new wealth than pity them with your thoughts. As long as those desires come from a pure place and are meant to better yourself and those around you, you really shouldn’t feel guilty. Even if your request is to have extra money for a mani and pedi every week. Hey, if pampering yourself is going to make you feel better, and in return you will shine a little brighter to the world, then so be it. Just remember you deserve whatever it is you want from life.

An easy way to help get over the guilt of asking is by practicing appreciation. I know this may sound like a contradiction. But appreciating even the smallest things like your new pair of shoes enables your current feeling to improve. As your emotions continue to improve you’ll begin producing positive thoughts, which will eventually translate into feeling good about yourself. And once you have that high self-esteem, you’ll believe that you deserve the things you want. Bye-bye, guilt!

After you’ve decided you are worthy of achieving the things you want, you must begin to align yourself with those desires. How do you align yourself? By making choices that bring you closer to your goal. As you make your decisions, remember to ask yourself, “Am I truly aligning myself with my goal by making this move?” Trust yourself. You’ll know when it’s right. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Take it step by step. And just focus on the goal not the details. Trust that the small things will work themselves out.

The final step to receiving is letting go and believing that the universe will supply. This is definitely the hardest part in the process. But look at me: As a little girl growing up in the Bronx, I never thought one day I’d be living in a fabulous apartment in Chelsea. But that’s what I asked for at some moment in my life, and I believed it was coming. Your thoughts are stronger than you think. Even if you’re not saying it out loud, your thoughts will attract your desires. So think big!

In case you need a cheat sheet, here’s a simple road map to receiving everything life has to offer.

Thinking positive thoughts = Feeling good about yourself= Believing you deserve
what you want. Align yourself with your desires. Let go and believe = receiving





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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