Breaking Up Over the Holidays? How to Deal

Breaking Up Over the Holidays? How to Deal

The holidays are here and it’s so much fun, but when your relationship is on the rocks and you feel a pending breakup, it can be really hard to get into the spirit of the season. Breakups are really hard to do, especially when you’re hoping for a romantic holiday – and you quickly realize that things are changing. Your trust is tested, your emotions are all over the map, and you’re not sure you can make it through all the traditions without your love by your side.

Remember this: you can do it, you will do it and everything (even breakups) happen for a reason. If you’re stuck on the brink of a breakup or you have a friends battling a holiday separation, here are some solutions for getting through it all while still enjoying the holiday season.

Breaking Up Over the Holidays? How to Deal
JStone /
Breaking Up Over the Holidays? How to Deal

Just remember you aren’t alone. Even though you may feel like the world is crumbling around you and you’re the only one going through a breakup – you aren’t. There are so many people out there living the single life or trying to manage a tough relationship. When you’re feeling like you’re completely alone or like you’re the only person who has ever faced a breakup, remind yourself that you’re not. You’ll suddenly feel surrounded by those who have also faced this difficult path and you’ll realize you can make it through – just like the many people who have battled break ups before you.

Don’t wallow in the sadness. Pick yourself up and enjoy your holiday – you deserve it. If your breakup is dragging you down, that’s completely normal – but you have to be the one to turn it around. Don’t let the breakup rain on your holiday – continue to enjoy all the special traditions you love. If you love baking cookies, get some girlfriends together to enjoy a day of baking. Don’t skip out on the tree just because you don’t want to decorate alone – get your bestie and a bottle of wine to make it happen. Keeping the holiday spirit alive will help make the time go by and you know what they say….time heals all wounds.

Spend your free time volunteering. Giving back to the community during the holiday season is one of the best ways to fill your heart when your heart feels empty. Finding something you enjoy – whether it’s working with kids, spending time with people who need some company or even working in a shelter, will warm your soul like nothing else.

Let yourself cry if you need to. Burying all the tears can get really tough and additionally end up leaving you to feel like you may completely meltdown if you don’t let some of it out. But, wallowing in sadness is not the way to go – give yourself a time limit. If you need to spend a night at home watching your favorite holiday movies and eating pizza – go for it, but you get one night. Once it’s out of your system, call up a friend and go for a run, get outside or spend some time holiday shopping with mom.

Get out there and face the dating world. Even though that may be harsh, getting back out there really is the name of the game. Once you see the world with fresh eyes, you’ll start to understand that there really are other fish in the sea and that is OK. Not to mention, it’s the holidays and you should really have some fun. Sometimes getting back out there into the dating game is one of the best ways to restart your life as the new single you.


Have you ever experienced a breakup during the holidays or been there for a friend going through a separation? It’s tough, isn’t it? But, there are ways to get through it and you’ll make it not matter what.



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