How to Celebrate Mother’s Day Away

mother, daughter, mother's day, away, mother's day away

Mother’s Day is coming up fast and it’s not uncommon for some ladies to spend the holiday away from each other. When your mom lives in one state and you live in another getting together can be difficult on that special day. You don’t want to send a card or a ‘happy mother’s day’ text, you want to go above and beyond. That’s why it’s time to get creative. I’ve got some ideas for you to celebrate Mother’s Day away. Read on to learn more and be sure to let me know what you think in the comments section. How are you celebrating the big day?

mother, daughter, mother's day, away, mother's day away

Skype Date- Keep in touch by planning a creative Skype date. Watch your favorite movie or TV show together. It’s those little moments that really count. Plan a pamper day, send her some relaxing goodies and enjoy it together over Skype.

Send Something Meaningful– A card and some flowers? Come on! You can do better than that. Send something that means something in order to show that you truly care. Your mom does a lot so give her a spa session. She definitely deserves a mani/pedi. Get her something truly meaningful. If you two are on different time zones, why not go for this Dual Time Braclet Watch by Armani so she can keep up with your day. It’s such a sweet gift.


_11571703_nordstromPlan a Trip Together- If you can’t get to your mom, why not meet in the middle? Plan a trip together for a future date where you’ve saved enough money and can travel. Call up your mom and plan over the phone. It’ll give you both something to look forward to. I love this idea!

Keep It Simple- Keep it simple and send her a list of all the reasons why you admire her. It’ll be another little keepsake for her to keep along with all those paintings you made as a kid. Trust me, she’ll love it!



MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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