Choosing Our Reactions Wisely

We’ve all heard the old adage, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” The saying is most popular among the elementary set. After all, we have to teach our children that other kids are mean and can say things that are hurtful, but we should let those words affect us. Brilliant advice, right? Why don’t people mention this in adulthood?!

People cannot hurt us unless we allow them to. It is as simple as that. We are not victims. We are fully responsible for the way react to situations. Whether something hurts us or not is our doing. I know this can sound harsh. And it’s not always easy to let those hurtful words said by the people we love the most. But just remember, you have a choice.

Choose your reactions wisely. Pose the question, “Is me getting upset about this person’s mean-spirited comment going to serve me?” When people insult you, know that those are their beliefs. They do not have to be your beliefs, as well. You can choose to say, “Yeah, that was a bit mean. I’ll make sure not to do that when I’m in a similar situation. I understand
that this is simply the other person’s reality; not mime.”

How does getting sad or angry serve you? It doesn’t. It will simply drain you. Instead, have your reaction be positive. Perhaps you’ll decide to let go of that toxic relationship. Or if someone is telling you, you can’t do something, find a solution to help you get to the place you want to be. And most probably, there’s a lesson to be learned. See the situation from above and find its purpose.

Your reactions are yours as long as you want them to be. As soon as you decide to let a situation get the best of you, you have given away your freedom to be happy.





MAIC2022: Official Agenda

We’ve poured so much effort and energy into this year’s agenda at #MAIC2022 to ensure it’s the most impactful and empowering event we’ve ever hosted.

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